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No January blues here

After a month of excitement, family, friends, food and fun it’s back to reality in the Pop & Flo office!

I have been reflecting on the nine month journey with Pop & Flo …. what an amazing time I have had meeting new and old customers, getting great feedback on the items sourced and learning so much!

I am super excited to see what 2020 brings. I am looking to develop the in-house pop up shopping experience with customers. I trialed it last year and had such positive feedback that I am going to roll it out this year starting in April.

I am also committed to learning more about style and colours that suit different people so that I can offer a personal shopping experience tailored to individual customers … it’s a minefield out there and finding something that suits you, that gives you confidence and style is my mission … you don’t really get this on the high street anymore!

At the beginning of January I am heading to London to a fabulous trade fair to source new and exciting stylish accessories for you all. In order to make room for the newness I am popping a few items in the sale including a small selection of the softest best selling scarves, coloured star earrings and butter soft suede belts.

Stock is really limited, if you have any questions or need any further help please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Happy New Year, here is to more stylish, fun, colourful, different accessories sourced and sold with love xx