Who would have thought it? The farm girl, always in wellies & covered in mud.
Who’d have thought she would be the founder of a accessories & homewares business?
WELL…. ITS ME! Hannah … hello!
And I never would have thought this is what I’d be doing. But I love how life twists & turns… one chapter closes & another one opens…. You see, I like to go with the flow and here I am now, still often in wellies but now with fab earrings! Doing this – growing my own accessories & homewares business POP & FLO…. which I totally love by the way!
So back to the girl in wellies….
A Yorkshire farmers daughter, lover of the outdoors, animals, growing things & the rural life. From a young age I was always found helping my Dad on the farm or looking for little ways to earn pocket money! As I grew so did my wellies … I ended up doing an agricultural degree & a career in the industry! I love it, found a job in Northumberland & met my husband Nick.
After 10 years my wellies were itching for a change & much to my Dad’s horror I retrained to be a primary teacher. A new & different challenge, this time nurturing children rather than crops! Helping them grow & helping me to discover my creative side.
I married Nick & went on to have two little farm girls of my own, Poppy & Flora…. more wellies! I decided I didn’t want to hurry back to the classroom, so I decided to try out the Mummy wellies a for a while & returned to the family farm office in Yorkshire on a monthly basis, little girls in tow! Home life in Northumberland suited me too, growing stuff, baking, gardening, faffing around with ponies, I was always busy – I was back to my roots & giving the girls a taste of everything I loved about my childhood!
But I have always liked to be an independent girl, Mum always taught my sisters & I about having our own money. So when a friend suggested an opportunity to me I decided to go for it!
From Farm to Fashion ……
Much to the surprise of my super stylish Mum & sisters, I took on a franchise, selling beautiful jewelry & accessories …. yes me! The girls in wellies who didn’t really much care for earrings!! Working with the super successful American company, Stella & Dot, gave me so many new skills & confidence. I found lots of lovely customers & really enjoyed the community of the company. Things were going well but I wanted my own business, I wanted to put my own stamp on things… but didn’t really have the guts to do it . So when Stella & Dot announced they were going to pull out of Europe it was the push I needed & I decided to brave it alone!
That’s how Pop & Flo was born! I decided to put on my brave wellies & source my own range of affordable accessories for my lovely customers. Working from home & around the school runs, still spending time with the girls had to continue. And because I was doing it for my girls (Poppy & Flora) I decided to name the business after them too!
So here I am now! POP & FLO… the place for life’s little accessories!
During the pandemic there wasn’t much need to be fashionable, sales fell & I decided to add colourful, affordable homewares to my range of gifts & accessories. I have always loved making home & this was a natural progression for me – cue tablewear, colourful candles & pretty vases to house my garden snippets.
Pop & Flo is all about affordable little luxuries to accessorise your life…. stylish, fun & practical pieces, – perfect for you, your home or as a gorgeous gift!
A day in the life…
Now I spend my days nurturing & growing my business. Sourcing gorgeous accessories & colourful homeware – I am always looking for something just that little bit different ( and if I don’t love it, it simply doesn’t go in my range). You’ll often find me styling & prettying things up, filling my instagram feed with everyday inspiration, sharing recipes or ways to style a table, friday flowers – quite often still in my wellies … before a mad dash to the post office with hand wrapped parcels of loveliness to make all my amazing customers smile!
My girls, Poppy & Flora, really are my inspiration & the reason I do it all ….
Tending to Pop & Flo, growing the business, little by little, & watching it bloom – that’s the thing that keeps me sain through the craziness of everyday life on the farm (well, that & pottering in the garden, cooking, dancing round the kitchen, coffee & the occasional G&T!)
I am super lucky to love what I do …. spreading lots of smiles,
Han xxxxx
ps Take a peek at all the gorgeous Pop & Flo treats here (warning… there is some seriously tempting stuff!!!)