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January pick me up

Happy New Year to you all! Hope you all had a great Christmas & New Year…. we had a lovely relaxing time & are now refreshed & ready to take on 2023.

Its been a week of sorting cupboards & pairing socks for me! I have been avoiding the cold, wet weather on the farm & having a good old sort out which I find really therapeutic, especially after the madness of December!

The month of January always gets bad press….. diets, no alcohol, gym, resolutions, dark mornings, cold weather…. there is not much to look forward too is there. But I have decided that this year I am not setting any resolutions only that I want to do more FUN things! Things that I enjoy…

Such as lunch with my friends, reading a book, a hot bath, walks or riding when I should be working, day trips gardening & entertaining!

With that in mind I also want to spread the FUN & am popping little colourful bracelets in all your parcels this month … hopefully this will be a pick me up & a reminder to have FUN! Life is too short & its time to enjoy it!

I am busy at Pop & Flo HQ getting a spring sale ready & will be in touch once its sorted… but for now here’s to doing the things we enjoy in 2023.

Much love Han xx